When Autocorrect Attacks: The Most Embarrassing Email Typos Ever Sent

When Autocorrect Attacks: The Most Embarrassing Email Typos Ever Sent

In the digital age, where emails have become our primary mode of communication, autocorrect has been both a blessing and a curse. While it often saves us from embarrassing typos, there are times when it becomes the very cause of them. Let’s dive into some of the most cringe-worthy autocorrect blunders that have graced our inboxes.

1. The Job Application Mishap

Original Intention: “I am excited about the job opportunity.” Autocorrected Version: “I am excited about the job omelette.”

Lesson: Always double-check your emails, especially when they’re job-related. You wouldn’t want your potential employer to think you’re more passionate about breakfast than the position.

2. The Office Lunch Dilemma

Original Intention: “Let’s discuss the quarterly reports over lunch.” Autocorrected Version: “Let’s discuss the quarterly reports over lingerie.”

Lesson: Context is everything. Make sure autocorrect hasn’t turned your professional lunch meeting into an awkward proposition.

3. The Client Meeting Confusion

Original Intention: “I’ll bring the documents to our meeting.” Autocorrected Version: “I’ll bring the donuts to our meeting.”

Lesson: While bringing donuts might make you popular, it might not be the best way to impress a client expecting crucial documents.

4. The Team Appreciation Goof

Original Intention: “Great job, team!” Autocorrected Version: “Great job, teapot!”

Lesson: Your team might be steaming, but they’re not ready to pour. Always ensure your words of appreciation make sense.

5. The Project Deadline Disaster

Original Intention: “The project deadline is next Friday.” Autocorrected Version: “The project dead lion is next Friday.”

Lesson: Deadlines can be daunting, but they’re not deadly. Ensure your team knows the difference.

6. The Holiday Greeting Gone Wrong

Original Intention: “Merry Christmas to you and your family!” Autocorrected Version: “Marry Christmas to you and your family!”

Lesson: While Christmas is a time of joy and celebration, it’s not typically an occasion for proposals. Double-check those festive greetings!

7. The Feedback Fiasco

Original Intention: “Your input was invaluable.” Autocorrected Version: “Your input was invaluable.”

Lesson: A single letter can change the entire tone of your message. Always proofread feedback emails to ensure you’re conveying the right sentiment.

In Conclusion

Autocorrect, while a handy tool, is not infallible. It’s essential to proofread your emails, especially in a professional setting, to avoid any embarrassing blunders. Remember, it’s always better to be safe than sorry (or should we say, “sari”?). Happy emailing!

Joseph Muongi Kamau is a Kenyan based entrepreneur with a passion for innovative solutions. He's the founder of Finatrack Global Ltd, Online Advisors Insurance Agency Ltd and Finahost Online Solutions. He holds a Masters of Science in Finance degree, a Bachelors of Science in Actuarial Science and a certificate of profeciency in insurance. He also possesses skills related to website development, marketing and leadership. He was fatured in Kenya's Top 40 under 40 men in the year 2018 and is a receipient of World Bank's MbeleNaBiz business grant award.

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